Submit an Initiative Please ensure you have all the information you intend to submit prior to starting this form. You do not have the ability to save your work and continue at a later time. "*" indicates required fields Name of Organization*Adventist Health CastleHilo Benioff Medical CenterHPH - Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and ChildrenHPH - Pali Momi Medical CenterHPH - Straub Benioff Medical CenterHPH - Wilcox Medical CenterKaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical CenterKohala HospitalKona Community HospitalKuakini HospitalKula HospitalLanai Community HospitalMaui Memorial Medical CenterQHS - Kahi Mohala Behavioral HealthQHS - Molokai General HospitalQHS - North Hawaii Community HospitalQHS - The Queen's Medical Center - West OahuQHS - The Queen's Medical Center – PunchbowlQHS - Wahiawa General HospitalShriners Children's HospitalStraub Clinic & HospitalTripler Army Medical CenterVA Pacific Islands Health CareWest Kauai Medical Center/KVMHOther (please specify)If you do not see your organization in this list, please contact Organization Name Team MembersFirst NameLast NameCredentialsAdd NewRemoveProject Title*Team Contact* Name Title Phone Number*Email Address* Organizational Contact* (e.g. Who provided project oversight - Nurse Educator, Nurse Researcher, CNO)*: Name Credentials Title*Phone Number*Email Address* Select the type of organization where your project took place*Acute CareHome CareLong Term CareOther (please specify)Primary Care ClinicPublic/Population/Community HealthRehabilitationSpecialty Care ClinicUniversity/CollegePlease select the population or system(s) addressed in your project* Adolescent Adult Geriatric Health Care System Newborn Pediatric Public/Population/Community Health Other (please specify) If you selected other regarding the Population of Interest, please elaborate here:PICOP*I*C*O*EBP Question: What is the best evidence-based practice for….*Current StatusAs of (month/year)*Select the steps you have completed (please note, we only accept projects that have made it to the recommendations phase)*RecommendationPilotingData AnalysisDisseminationSustainabilityDo you consider your team's work on this project complete?* YES NO Literature Search Terms Used*Recommendations*Outcomes*Lessons Learned*Please upload your project’s Abstract, Digital Poster or PowerPoint Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. Upload Reference List Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. Please upload all project products (i.e. papers, publications, posters, flyers, etc.) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. Please upload Johns Hopkins Appendix H - Synthesis and Recommendations ToolJohns Hopkins Appendix H link Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB. Any additional documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.